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Modern Bakery and its Associated Automation

The first thing you probably think about when you hear the word ‘bakery’ is your favorite bakery store where you get to buy your favorite delicious treats, be it a cake or your favorite cookies, etc. But, as much as this thought seems like the perfect dream, there is a lot that goes into making these products. And with customer experience counting as one of the major factors to draw profits, the bakery industry is also shifting its focuses to automation.
The fact is that automating bakery processes directly helps in reducing expenditure on energy and labor. And agree or don’t, businesses in the food and drink manufacturing spectrum have to weigh up the competing claims of the market-driven need for flexibility, cost, and efficiency benefits that.


our group fixes a lot of problems in this automation bakery. furthermore we upgrade the program of PLC and finally we add some features for this bakery after that they can make a lot of new shapes of bread.

why Automation in Bakery is important?

Did you know people are the major cause of cross-contamination in food processing plants? That’s true. If workers don’t follow the CGMPs (current good manufacturing practices), they can easily transfer microorganisms and allergens to food. And even if workers follow CGMPs, they are still likely to disperse bacteria into the air by kicking up dusk as they walk or push bins around. This is all the more reason to inculcate automation in the bakery industry.


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